Das SMD ist die Adresse in Deutschland für Vertriebsmanagement. Die Schlagkraft des Teams ist beeindruckend: Täglich wird hier neues Vertriebswissen geschaffen und der Nachwuchs mit leidenschaftlicher Didaktik ausgebildet. Und Unternehmen, die im Vertrieb am Puls der Zeit bleiben wollen, finden am SMD ihren Heimathafen.
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Habel, Warwick Business School
I had the chance to collaborate on truly innovative and comprehensive research projects with several colleagues from the SMD, and I consider them among my best co-authors ever.
I am sure that students in this Department will get an exceptional guidance and inspiration, companies will receive invaluable and mind-opening insights, and other academics and researchers will find extremely collaborative, reliable colleagues to cooperate with.
- Paolo Guenzi, SDA Bocconi School of Management
During my research stay in Bochum, I met highly qualified professors and researchers. Prof. Alavi, Prof. Schmitz, and Prof. Wieseke are publishing their research in the best academic journals in marketing. Their expertise in sales management is known worldwide.
-Valéry Bezençon, Professor in marketing, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
I have been working with members of the SMD for almost 15 years now. I consider them to be world leaders in sales research and they are among my most valued collaborators. I am proud to be a visiting Research Fellow of the SMD and look forward to my visits. Students in the SMD get some of the best education in the world, and the research coming out of the SMD is world-leading.
-Nick Lee, Professor of Marketing, Warwick Business School